Thursday, February 13, 2014

Following God, even to church

I want to follow God anywhere, even if that means I have to go to church. 
He has called me and created me to love people with developmental disabilities and their families, given me a group of people to call my own. He has given me a history filled with pivotal experiences that shape my future in profound ways. He has given me a unique attitude and sense of justice that cause me to fight when others flee and correct when others ignore. He has shown me that all people can come to Him. All people can know Him and be known. He came to seek and save the lost, not the perfect, the lost. 
And He has lead me from an unknown, tiny, country church that meets once a month in a small conference room to a popular urban mega church that's meets across the Central Valley on multiple campuses for multiple services. 
I loved it at my country church. I was comfortable there, safe and at rest. After more than 10 years He began to stir in me a desire to move to a new church. I didn't want to go. At all. But He gently nudged me inch by inch until I found myself open to the change. I couldn't believe it. I looked around and thought somehow I had been forced and should be revolting, throwing a tantrum. But all I was doing was picking my jaw up from the floor. He hadn't forced me. He doesn't do that. He guided and I followed. I didn't see it coming but He wasn't surprised even a little bit. 
I get to support two 4th grade boys who have Down syndrome, one on Wednesday night and the other on Sunday morning. They challenge me, help me, love me, and let me teach them about Jesus. They are my reward for going to church each week.
"Because He lives I can face tomorrow", even if that includes being part of a mega church.

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