Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Naming the elephants in the room

A couple weeks ago I had the following text conversation with a friend. It started with a sincere compliment and quickly turned into hilarity... 

I love that I can always count on you to say it. Whatever it is, at any given time. 
The elephants in your rooms have names.

Names like Blanche and Hector?

Haha. You need to write a blog about naming your elephants.

Get them out from under the rug and introduce them to everyone.

Yes! Blanche and Hector!!

Hector has a mustache and hat. It's quite amazing.


Blanche carries one of those little purses and has on lavender heels

Oh my word! Yes!

And she trumpets out both ends.


Good thing hector lost his sense of smell in the war

And he can't see that she's gained 100 lbs and her flowered dress has faded

He just sees her beauty

Aw. That and he lost an eye in that other war

That was a tough day. He doesn't like to talk about it

But Blanche likes to bring it up all the time

Lol. Oh man. Just put this conversation in your blog as a starter.

Ordinarily, I'm not an advocate for naming things. I think names are for people and pets, not things. My car doesn't have a name, neither does my tv, or my boat. (Although that's mostly because I don't own a boat.) The idea of naming the elephants in the room has been rolling around in my mind and it's really growing on me. Naming them won't give them undue power. I suspect it will do quite the opposite and bring healing and hope. It will also bring laughter and, dare I say, joy. So it might be time to follow my friend's lead and start making introductions...

Meet Burt the Troll, Mr. and Mrs. McGillicuddy, Boris, and Travis the Tree, keeper of the Enchanter Forest. Bios to come.

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