Monday, October 1, 2012

A month of gratitude...31 days, that's it ;)

On my 25th birthday I went on a cruise with three of my closest friends. When I turned 30 I went on a hot air balloon ride with 4 of my closest friends. I went crazy for my 31st by inviting 10 friends to ride go carts and play arcade games with me at Boomer's Family Entertainment Center. When I figure out how to put pictures on here, I'm totally gonna do it. :)

Last year I celebrated by getting a tattoo. It was the words from Proverbs "His love endures forever". I wanted the words to be in the shape of an infinity sign. Having no idea how to make that happen, I enlisted the help of my friend Brian Foster. He used his artist talent and fancy graphic design program to create a piece of art that is now imprinted on my left foot. Sitting in a chair in the tattoo parlor sitting amongst posters of mostly naked women while getting a verse with deep spiritual and personal significance tattooed on me made for a very memorable 32nd birthday.

As I said in my last post, I will be 33 soon. And it hit me a couple of months ago that Jesus was 33 when He died and rose again. I think about all the experiences He had on earth leading up to those moments that changed eternity. And then I think about my life and all of the people God has used to bring me closer to Him and to this point in life. I think of myself partly because His life is more than I can fathom and partly because I'm selfish. None the less these musings have given me my adventure for this birthday.

I'm going to write and send thank you notes to as many people as I possibly can. Some notes will be hand written and mailed and others will be emailed. They will all be from me in celebration of how grateful I am for my life and yours.

So, just in case my hand cramps up or I run out of ink, paper, stamps, or time, thank you all for loving me, inspiring me, and empowering me to live the life God has given me. And thanks for encouraging me to do crazy things like go on cruises and hot air balloon rides and get tattoos. :)


  1. Love it! I love all your creative ways to celebrate! Everyone needs a Beth in their life! Miss you!

  2. I love that you're the first person to comment on my blog! So fitting and perfect :) I miss you. Come visit me. Bring Kaitlyn or I won't let you in.
