Monday, April 1, 2019

70 things for her 70th birthday

My mom turned 70 today. It sounds like an April Fools joke to me. It's hard to believe she's reached that number but I'm so grateful she has! To commemorate the day, I decided to compile a list of 70 things that I love about her. Spoiler: I only got to 47. Ha! (47 happens to be her favorite number so there's that.) My shortcoming leaves space for you to join me in completing the list. I'll tell you how at the end. Without further explanation, here's what I have so far.

  1. Carried me 5 extra weeks when she was pregnant 
  2. Sewed my "dress up" dresses
  3. Bought me those red high heel shoes
  4. Encouraged me to love all of my grandparents 
  5. Introduced me to the Schwagers 
  6. Signed me up for piano lessons
  7. Let me quit piano (6 years later) 
  8. Took me to dad’s volleyball games 
  9. Taught me to cheer for everyone 
  10. Made all of my lunches for 9 years of school 
  11. Gave me weekly lunch allowance so I could practice budgeting 
  12. Talked about money in everyday situations to teach me how to use it and not be controlled by it
  13. Endured my piano recitals 
  14. Sat through all of my choir concerts 
  15. Showed up to every game
  16. Cheered for me everyday 
  17. Taught me to cook over the phone when I was desperate at work
  18. Let me fly away to college
  19. Came to see me at college
  20. Took us to the flamingo exhibit 
  21. Sang at least one silly song a day
  22. Did my laundry for 22 years 
  23. Cleaned up after me for 22 years 
  24. Made sure I had three meals a day for 22 years 
  25. Co-signed for my first car loan
  26. Encouraged me to buy a house
  27. Fed my dog sausage when I was gone
  28. Came to support me the day Lucy died
  29. Painted the entire interior of my house 
  30. Made us and Gma matching Easter outfits, at my request 
  31. Played in the handbell choir with me
  32. Made me curtains for every place I’ve lived
  33. Let me tell you that something you made me was ugly or beautiful 
  34. Sewed me the greatest twirling dresses a girl could ever dream of 
  35. Studied The Bible 
  36. Went to Turkey and Greece with me
  37. Point me to Jesus always, in triumph and trial
  38. Prayed for me every Friday with Bonnie
  39. Showed me what a good friend looks, acts, sounds, and loves like
  40. Hugged me tight and prayed for me every time I left for a trip
  41. Listened intently to all my stories when I returned 
  42. Said, “thank you Jesus!” all the time 
  43. Made up her own words: glish 
  44. Can swing everything around to something positive 
  45. Has been to all of my softball games, even the ones at 8:30pm, armed with quilts to keep warm
  46. Loves to look at the ocean
  47. Takes extremely good care of Gma

So this is where you can come in to complete the list with 23 more things that you love about my mom. Write them right there in the comments and I'll add them in. 
This hike is what she wanted to do for her 70th birthday

We made it all the way to Avila Beach

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