The theme verse of the week could not have been more fitting to address my insecurities. Psalm 23:1 "The Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need." It's all right there, clearly God provides. He knows what I'm capable of and how much help I need. He's not worried about any of it.
I was on the team that trained the 65 volunteers who came to serve at camp as STMs (Short Term Missionaries), so there was no room for me to act like a two year old. I needed to put my big girl pants on and act like a grown up, or at least a nine year old. The good news for me is that there is plenty of room for silliness and play. This video, shot by an incredible STM, is me being my true self. I thought she was keeping the camera on the camper so I was really letting it go!
My favorite thing about the Joni and Friend Family Retreat is that there is life change happening every minute of every day through the silly and the serious. There is universal acceptance and unbridled love in the midst of immense pain and suffering. There is rest from the battle fatigue that most of the families carry with them to camp. That rest is possible because of those 65 STMs that are paired up with a camper. The campers are either people with disabilities or their siblings. Every year I get to see first hand how God transformed them from being wide eyed and scared on the first day to being in awe of what just happened to them. They learns lessons that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Here are three of my favorite STM stories from this week. *I've changed the names to protect or to be mysterious or something like that.*
STM Paul's story
Watched episode of House about a rare and fatal disease. Goggled it. Cried. Wrote a paper about it for school and was devastated by its effects on people. Hoped to never know someone who would be going through that kind of suffering. Came to JAF Retreat and read his camper's dx. Wept and didn't think he could handle it. Met Jimmy. Bonded with him. Got beat at UNO repeatedly. Had one of the best weeks of his life. Saw the man, not just the disease. Life changed forever.
STM Silas' story
Had no experience with people affected by disability. Got recruited to serve at camp. Went through training with great concern and trembling. Face full of questions, concerns, and doubt in his own abilities. Met his camper John and suddenly realized none of this was about himself. John was the celebrity in this scenario and Silas was the assistant that held John's keys and organized his schedule of appearances. John was the teacher and Silas was now a wide eyed eager student who felt honored to have the privilege of attending John's school. Perspective forever shifted. Life turned right side up.
STM Martha's story
Her sisters couldn't come this year so she wasn't going to either. Then she realized there was no reason not to come. God changed her heart and not only did she want to come but deep down she was hoping to be matched with one specific camper. A difficult one. A challenge. She didn't want to get her hopes up to high lest she be disappointed with her assignment. Sunday night came and she rubbed her eyes and blinked back tears as she read the name of the one she was hoping for right there in print. God had a divine appointment for those two and it looked like it was one of the best weeks of both of their lives. Martha is coming back every year no matter what. She's hooked.
Joni and Friend Family Retreat 2017 had all the plot twists, drama, and comic relief of an oscar worthy movie. And by the end of it, the truth was clear: The Lord was our Shepherd, we had everything we needed.