Thursday, October 22, 2015

30 days after the break-up

In case you're wondering how I'm doing after my break-up with Pepsi (and all other forms of sugar), here are your answers. I broke it down into two lists because that's what made sense to me today.

Things I miss                                               

  • the TASTE, it never disappointed
  • the first drink from an ice cold can
  • using it to celebrate, morn, and every occasion in between
  • the anticipation of the next one
  • having it be something people could give me to show their love for me
  • the comfort I found in drinking it and letting it's effects wash over me

Things I don't miss

  • the extra pounds
  • the stomach aches
  • the diarrhea, gas, and bloating
  • the swollen ankles and feet
  • the constant need to know where I would get my next one
  • the physical and emotional crashes I'd have if I didn't have one
  • the dependence on it for comfort and balance physically and emotionally
  • the money it cost me and others to always keep a supply of it everywhere I went

I was joking today that I should get my 30 day chip because I've been "sober" for a month. Being a pepsi-holic is not even remotely as serious as being an alcoholic but I do have an understanding of what it is to have an addiction. It took me 20 years to realize that pepsi and sugar weren't just unhealthy for me, they were what was making me sick on an almost daily basis. It's been a strange month in many ways. It has sucked and been really good. And by good, I mean awful. I don't recommend being allergic to sugar but I do recommend figuring out your food issues, even if it is the trendy thing to do. Do it anyway. You might have to let go of everything you hold dear but then again you might discover you were holding on to something that was hurting you. It might suck but then again it might be awful. Happy 30 days everyone!


  1. Wow, good for you! As one who has tried and failed many times to give up my own pop of choice- Diet Dr Pepper, I salute you!

    So, is being allergic to sugar different than how the whole world is saying that refined sugar is bad for you? I've never heard of that.

    1. Thanks Leslie! The only reason I quite drinking pepsi is because I finally faced the sad and disappointing fact that I'm allergic to sugar.

      Yeah in my opinion being allergic is totally different than the whole world saying it's bad for you. The difference is that I feel physically sick whenever I have sugar of any kind, including "natural" and "fake" sugars. I had never heard of being allergic to sugar either but when my nutritionist explained it to me, it made perfect sense as an explanation for all my digestive problems I've had since birth. I thought it was worth a try to cut sugar out and see what happened. Fortunately or unfortunately, results are confirming the hypothesis that I'm allergic. :/
