"Traditionally, the 20th anniversary was celebrated with china but in modern days, the official gift is platinum," says the internet. Today marks my 20th anniversary of being a single adult. I'm accepting gifts of all shapes and sizes, please don't feel limited by tradition. I actually have enough china.
At first sight, this post may seem like a sad story or one that will turn into a pity party. It's the opposite. The fact is that God has been faithful in teaching me incredible things over the last twenty years. I've learned how to be independent, how to be interdependent, and how to be dependable. I'm still learning how to be dependent, that's a tough one for me.
God has taught me how to take care of other people and how to take care of myself, all while reminding me and showing me that He is the One caring for all of us. He's given me wonderful, life-giving friends who help keep me as sane as is possible and He uses them to remind me that my life is valuable. I've gotten to be an honorary aunt to all of my friends' kids. Time holding and playing with those kids, renews my strength and quiets my spirit. And then I get to go home and sleep in my own bed without anyone waking me up.
Owning a home and doing home improvement projects has been frustratingly fun and empowering! I can now install light fixtures, fix a toilet, demo a kitchen, sand and stain cabinets, install major appliances, repair a fence, fix irrigation pipes, and mix cement. I never aspired to learn any of those things but now I look forward to the next project.
Sure, I eat alone, sleep alone, make decisions alone but I'm not actually alone because God promised to never leave us or forsake us. Ever. Not in 20 years or for all of eternity. His love endures f o r e v e r.
No need to tilt your head and sigh while trying to think of something encouraging to say. Just smile and wish me a happy anniversary. Oh and platinum gifts are also acceptable.