How did I not know?!? I think maybe it's because it's taken longer with the other ones. Like at least 5 minutes. :) This time it was instantaneous. I'm still having trouble believing it really happened that way. But it really did happen.
I walked in the room, our eyes met, and, that was it, I was in love. I knew he'd always have my heart and I'd always be there for him. If he ever calls, I'll answer. If he ever needs anything I can provide, I'll give it to him.
He was about 10 minutes old at the time.
I've heard of this connection happening to birth moms and dads. I know it happens to adoptive parents all the time. I just wasn't prepared for it to happen to me. He's not biologically mine nor am I adopting him (though I was jokingly promised at one time that if he was a boy, I could have him. But that's another story). He is not genetically or legally mine. Apparently, love doesn't have any bounds.
(I may have heard it about 1000 times this Christmas break;
Boundless Love as sung by EHSS.)
He was born into an incredible family. Dad, Mom, and 4 older brothers. But just because I'm like 17th on the list of people that would give their lives for him, the fact remains that I would.
I thought this bond would only happen if I became a mom. I thought I had to be born into a family or marry into a family to feel part of one. I was wrong.
I didn't know.
the moment: love at first sight. |
well hello there Levi! This is when I told him that he's probably gonna hear a lot of people say that he looks just like his brother Isaac but that he still gets to be his own person. The one God created him to be. I also told him that Pepsi tastes good and chocolate tastes bad. I needed to cover all the important stuff right away. "Train them up..." |
I love you. *smooch* |
Levi Kapelika Foster born on 12/17/14 at 6:21pm weighing in at 7lbs 12oz measuring 20" long
God's already using him to teach me stuff. :)